Monday, August 22, 2011

Mission Malawi


    Emma and Claire Herek, through the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi, are raising money to provide for a clean water well(s) in a Malawi, Africa, village(s) to be selected by Bishop Joseph Bvumbwe.  The well(s) is expected to be drilled in late 2012, and dedicated in 2013.
    The girls, now ages 12 and 10, have been supporting orphan feeding centers and mosquito bed net projects in Malawi through the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin and the ELCA Hunger Program since they were 4 and 2.  They have raised hundreds of dollars to, in their words, “help the hungry children in Africa”.  In addition to their own gifts, they have encouraged friends and family to give.
      In the spring of 2011, Emma and Claire decided they wanted to raise money to provide clean safe drinking water for children and adults who do not have access to such water.  Their goal is to raise a minimum of $4,000 for a bore well(s).  The girls have contributed money they have earned, and they also sold many of their own items at a four-family garage sale where all proceeds went to the well(s) project. Now, they are making and selling bead bracelets.  To date, they have raised a total of approximately $2,000.
     All proceeds from projects and donation gifts are being accounted for through the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, The Emma and Claire Malawi Well Fund.  The synod address is: 944  24 and 1/4 Street, Suite 2, Chetek, WI  54728. (Note: Donations can be sent directly to the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin.)
   Emma and Claire are the daughters of Lee and Melissa Herek, the granddaughters of Pastor Bob and Roxie Berg, and the nieces of Michelle Berg